Mulu Eco Village

Mulu Eco Village.
They idea of „Eco“ spreads and the „Mulu Eco Village“ is created with all the farmers of the surrounding: 150 families of the AddisAlem- und the Amistija-Community in the Choke Mountains!
All „Eco“-Standards of the Eco Lodge should be also applied in the farmer houses!
For the sake of the environment, health and education!
For example solar light for every familiy to enable the children to study in the evenings.
Composttoilets to protect the ground water and have organic fertilizer.
Or smokeless, more efficient woodstoves to protect the forests and the health of the families who dont have to sit in the smoky houses any longer.
Or even better: use the cowdung in small, decentralised biogas plants and cook with biogas instead of wood!
Distributing different vegetable seeds to fight malnutrition and create a second income for the farmers who can sell all their leftover veggies to the Mulu Eco Lodge.
Just have a look and come visit us in the Choke Mountains!
Biogas instead of forest clearing! (Expense: ?? specialists and experts, please let us know!)
Vegetable seeds against malnutrition! (expense: about 3 € per seed package)
Smoke-free stoves for everyone! (Expense: about 150 €)
Solar light for the farmers! (Expense: About 100€ per family)
Composting toilets for clean groundwater and biofertilizer! (Expense: about 220 € per home)